Franconia District Land Use Committee

The Franconia Land Use Committee serves as an advisory body to the Franconia District Supervisor. The committee serves solely at the discretion of the Supervisor and makes recommendations on land use issues put before them. Those recommendations may or may not be followed with regard to decisions made by the District Supervisor and Board of Supervisors.

The Committee meets on Monday nights at 7 pm, usually once per month (see dates below). Meetings are held virtually and in person at the Franconia Governmental Center. Contact the Franconia District Supervisor’s office for more information.

See also Franconia District Land Use Committee (

Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)

All Franconia District residents are welcome to attend Land Use Committee meetings and speak, however, each homeowner or civic association gets only one vote. Only the formally appointed primary or alternate representative for an association may vote on a matter.

January 8 (22, back-up)
February 5 (12, back-up)
March 4 (18, back-up)
April 1 (8, back-up)
May 13 (20, back-up)
June 3 (10, back-up)
July 1 (8, back-up)
August 5 (12, back-up)
September 9
(16, back-up)
October 7
(21, back-up)
November 18
(25, back-up)
December 2
(9, back-up)

The back-up dates are rarely used and are only on the schedule in case there are too many cases that must be heard in a given month, or if the primary date for the month must be cancelled for any reason.

Your homeowner or civic association’s president must formally appoint a primary and alternate representative to the Franconia District Land Use Committee.

Email the letter appointing your Land Use Committee representative(s) to:  That is the email address for Supervisor Lusk’s office; he is the Fairfax County Supervisor for the Franconia District.  

Also email committee Chairman Ed Joseph at to request that he add your new representatives to the Land Use Committee’s email distribution list.  You may also wish to be added to the email distribution list to ensure that your association doesn’t miss any votes/presentations on matters that are important to your particular association.  

We hope that your association will take the opportunity to make your voice heard regarding land use matters in the Franconia District.  

Sign up today to receive the Coalition Update. Updates are only sent to local residents in the Rose Hill Planning District. Emails are kept confidential and not shared. You can request to be removed from the list at any time.

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