Land Development Policy

Community engagement has begun for a multi-year update to Fairfax County’s policies that guide how land is developed, referred to as Plan Forward. Initial “kick-off” meetings began in May 2024 and the public information and feedback campaign will go into 2025.

PLUS Record Number: PA-2022-00009

“Plan Forward” will provide specific land-use guidance related to planned uses, intensity, and site-design considerations to ensure future development fits into the context of a community.

Administratively, this policy plan update will be an amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Plan. According to the May 2024 Progress Report, “the Policy Plan amendment will come to the Board as one item with a single staff report…” Based on the estimated timeline, the Board will vote on the amendment in late 2025.

“Plan Forward is a comprehensive initiative to update our 1990 Policy Plan, guiding land use and development decisions. The update integrates One Fairfax and Resilient Fairfax, enhancing residents’ quality of life by reflecting modern needs and values.” 

According to the County’s Planning and Development webpage, numerous opportunities will be available for the community to provide feedback this year and next. The “community” includes all stakeholders: residents, businesses, and government agencies. “Plan Forward is an important opportunity for everyone in Fairfax to make sure the updated Comprehensive Plan policies enhance the quality of life for our residents.” 

The land-use policy changes are expected to include neighborhood compatibility characteristics, such as rezoning Rose Hill Plaza for mixed-use residential and commercial. We also expect increased emphasis on affordable housing and transportation. Based on the broad effort to “engage” the public, it is clear that the Board of Supervisors wants to ensure community support.


  1. Review, update, and streamline existing Policy Plan elements.
  2. Add new Policy Plan elements as needed.
  3. Ensure the Policy Plan is in alignment with the Countywide Strategic Plan, the One Fairfax Policy, and other recently adopted policies and initiatives.


  • Land Use
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Environment
  • Economic Development
  • Heritage Resources
  • Public Facilities
  • Human Services
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Revitalization
  • Visual and Performing Arts

COMPLETED (as of May 30, 2024)

  • Established the Planning Commission Policy Plan Committee and Planning Commission Liaisons as resources for staff. (12/6/22)
  • Staff presentations to the Planning Commission on the Policy Plan, community health, equity, the Strategic Plan, and community outreach. (May 2023-present)
  • Research into the Policy Plan, its evolution, and how it is used and by whom. 
  • Published an office repurposing White Paper and the State of the Plan Report, to inform policy recommendations.
  • Conducted research related to office, industrial, and retail trends with a consultant, Clarion Associates (
  • Internal policy audit to assess how the current Policy Plan compares to the policies and initiatives recently adopted by the Board.
  • Developed a phased, inclusive community outreach plan.
  • Presented a status update to the Board Land Use Policy Committee (5/14/24).
  • Conducted four in-person and two virtual kick-off meetings for community outreach (May/June 2024).

NEXT STEPS (County Staff)

  • Conduct topic-specific Community Outreach and research (June through December).
  • Provide updates to the Planning Commission’s Policy Plan Committee on the outreach process and discuss policy considerations (September through December).
  • Draft Policies based on community outreach input received and best practices (Fall 2024).
  • Update the Board of Supervisors Land Use Policy Committee on the outreach process and initial policy considerations (November).

Full Progress Report (PDF)


Informational outreach with the community will include kick-off meetings, surveys, and informational stands and pop-ups at community events in May and June 2024. This phase will focus on general project details, to include an overview of the Comprehensive Plan and Policy Plan and how it impacts development in the county. Staff will compile feedback, by theme, in a document to be posted to the project website and provided to the Board of Supervisors (Board) and Planning Commission (PC) to help inform future policy considerations.


Staff will collaborate on policy considerations with county agencies, Board Authorities and Commissions, stakeholder groups, community members, industry, and other governmental agencies. Informing this phase are the internal policy audit that staff completed earlier in the year, additional staff and consultant research, and feedback received in phase one. Focused topic outreach will be June through December 2024.

Groups will meet by topic to provide a variety of perspectives and comprehensive policy recommendations. This phase will focus on research considerations that are informed by the first phase of outreach and initial conversations about various policy considerations. 

Staff will prepare a document which incorporates all feedback received. Staff will discuss feedback and potential policy considerations with the PC and Board at committee meetings September through December 2024.


Staff will publish a community feedback report from the first two phases of outreach and describe actions, if any, taken in response by staff. Staff will meet with the Board, PC, and community to discuss this report and draft Plan text in advance of preparing the final Staff Report. Staff anticipates this phase to begin in January 2025 and conclude in May 2025.


Staff will publish the “Staff Report” with draft Plan text and hold Public Hearings where public comment (aka public testimony”) on the Report and final policy recommendations are welcome. The Staff Report will be published five (5) weeks prior to the Planning Commission Public Hearing. Staff anticipates this phase to begin in June 2025 and conclude in the fall of 2025.

Plan Forward Website:

Materials developed for each phase will include flyers, surveys, social media and web postings, videos, advertisements, and emails. Materials specific to each phase will be released as the phase is approaching.

Outreach Plan (PDF):

Outreach Phase I Summary (PDF):

Community Kick-Off Meeting Video (56 min)

Covers general project details and an overview of the Comprehensive Plan and Policy Plan and how it impacts development in the County. Link to the slides is below, however, we recommend listening to the entire presentation as well as the Q&A.

Kick-off Meeting Slides (PDF)

Channel 16 Broadcast (5/1/24) 

Fairfax County Prepares to Realign Development Policies with New “Plan Forward” Initiative (5/28/23) 

Plan Forward: Fairfax County Seeks Feedback on Land Development Policies (5/17/24) 

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