We invite all Franconia residents to educate themselves on the land-use and zoning planning process and take an active part in the future development of our community. Stay in Touch!
What’s Happening Now?
What We Do for You
The Rose Hill Coalition LLC provides information on zoning changes affecting the Rose Hill Planning District which lies within the Franconia District in Fairfax County, Virginia. The Coalition supports education and full transparency on land-use issues directly affecting local residents. See About Us
Key Documents Guiding Land Use
The four primary documents guiding land use and development in the Rose Hill Planning District are:
Rose Hill Planning District Comprehensive Plan (pdf)
The Rose Hill Planning District is in Area IV of the Comprehensive Plan.
Comprehensive Plan (Fairfax County)
The Comprehensive Plan (the “Policy Plan” or “Plan” or “Policy”) is a long-range guide for decision-making about the natural and built environment, and is used by the county’s Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, county staff, and the public in the planning process. The Plan consists of the Policy Plan, four Area Plan volumes, and a Plan Map.
2022-2023 Accepted Nominations to Comprehensive Plan (Fairfax County)
See page 2 for the Franconia District Summary of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Changes. Nominations are very basic site-specific applications submitted by the developer and approved to advance to the next stage of review (aka Work Plan), depending on the assigned priority (Tier 1, 2, or 3).
Current Work Program Plan Amendments (Fairfax County)
Lists of Board of Supervisors authorized current and future planning studies and zoning amendments (Tiers 1, 2, and 3). Tier 3 designates the approved nomination as deferred, which has requirements specific to that nomination.
Plan Forward
Community engagement has begun for a multi-year update to Fairfax County’s policies that guide how land is developed, referred to as Plan Forward. Initial “kick-off” meetings began in May 2024 and the public information and feedback campaign will extend into 2025.

“Plan Forward” will provide specific land-use guidance related to planned uses, intensity, and site-design considerations to ensure future development fits into the context of a community. Administratively, this policy plan update will be an amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Plan.
Click on the title for more information.
Data Center legislation is taking center stage on the state and local levels. Virginia is already home to more data centers than anywhere in the world and Fairfax County takes the lead. Several pieces of legislation have been introduced in 2025 to reform data center development. This also will determine the fate of data centers in Fairfax County.
The Board of Supervisors (BOS) Land Use Committee is meeting on January 28, 2025, to discuss the substations that will be required for the data center proposed for the Bren Mar neighborhood (Mason District). The data center site is less than one mile from Franconia. The Save Bren Mar Coalition opposes the data center (aka 500 Plaza).
For more meeting information, see https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/boardofsupervisors/board-supervisors-land-use-policy-committee-meeting-jan-28-2025
In September 2024, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of an amendment to the County zoning ordinance to more strictly regulate data centers going forward, but the ruling will not apply retroactively or affect the proposed data center off of Van Dorn Street in Bren Mar.
The Plaza 500 data center development in the Mason District (less than one mile from Franconia District) is moving forward through the current land-use review process under which it will be built “by right”; however, the owner still must abide by the current zoning rules for the “industrial use” property.
As part of the ongoing Plaza 500 data center development review process, the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) must approve the application as well. The SCC is holding an evidentiary hearing on January 21, to consider whether to approve or deny Dominion’s application. The hearing can be streamed online starting at 9 am at https://www.scc.virginia.gov/case-information/webcasting/. The SCC held Public Hearings on December 5 and 19, 2024.
Click on the above title for more information.
Franconia Govt Ctr Redevelopment Project
The Board of Supervisors voted in May 2024 to convey the Franconia Road property to the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) for proposed redevelopment as affordable housing in 2025. FCRHA held a Public Hearing in September to review the “interim agreement” made with the developers to redevelop the property as affordable housing. The FCRHA accepted the agreement on October 17, 2024, and the BOS subsequently approved the interim agreement. The developer is now expected to submit a formal proposal.
Click on the title for more information.
Franconia Triangle SSPA
Fairfax County is evaluating potential changes to the Comprehensive Plan’s land use recommendations for the area bounded by Franconia Rd, Beulah St, and Grovedale Dr. which is in the Springfield Planning District of the Comprehensive Plan, but immediately adjacent to the Rose Hill Planning District. The “Triangle” encompasses more than 22 acres.
The County Staff Report (PDF) was published on January 17, 2025, and incorporates comments received by the public.
- Planning Commission: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (meeting cancelled due to weather; new meeting date TBA)
- Board of Supervisors: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Proposed Changes:
- 120 affordable apartments on the Franconia Governmental Center Site (FGC Site),
- 63 townhomes and 30 multi-family units (repurposing of one office bldg.), plus
- an option for future residential use, and
- an increase in planned retail along Franconia Road
The Dept of Planning and Development held in-person and virtual Public Engagement meetings in December 2024 and January 2025. County Staff made a virtual presentation to the Franconia Land Use Committee on January 13, 2025, (also open to the public), and the Committee will vote on February 3, 2025, to recommend to Supervisor Lusk whether to accept, reject, or amend the proposed redevelopment. The amendment then goes to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and to the Board of Supervisors for a decision.
Click on the above title and meeting date links for more information.
On September 9, 2024, the owner of Kingstowne Towne Center, Federal Realty Investment Trust, submitted a rezoning application to Fairfax County to drop retail from future housing. The application also includes an update in the design and amenities in the pedestrian plaza. This is the open area located outside Panera’s and across the street from the movie complex.
See https://www.ffxnow.com/2024/09/12/kingstowne-towne-center-owner-seeks-to-drop-retail-from-future-housing/
Kingstowne Top Golf Site (2015-2024)
Click on the above title for more information.
Rose Hill Plaza Shopping Center
The Rose Hill Plaza redevelopment proposal* submitted by Combined Properties (CP) is currently in deferral within the “Planning and Zoning Review Stage”. Franconia District Supervisor asked CP to submit a new design/concept that addresses the community’s demands for substantially more retail and considerably less residential. A new concept was expected Fall 2023, but none has been submitted to date.
See also, Shop at the stores and visit the restaurants!
Click on the above title for more information.
*Site Specific [Comprehensive] Plan Amendment (SSPA), Nomination Number CPN22-LE-001
INOVA Franconia-Springfield Hospital
Design work for the hospital site has been completed, permits have been approved or are under review with Fairfax County and the Virginia Department of Transportation, and construction began fall 2024. (Trees were cleared in August.)
The initial phase will include an inpatient facility with 110 beds, an expanded emergency room, diagnostic imaging, and multiple procedural rooms. Outpatient services, including ambulatory surgery, physician offices, and procedural rooms, will be located in an adjacent building.
Click on the above title for more information.
Richmond Hwy Redevelopment Corridor
This project, along three miles of Richmond Highway (Route 1), is being done in two phases: Jeff Todd Way to just north of Frye Road (Phase 1), and then just north of Frye Road to Sherwood Hall Lane (Phase 2).
Community Update: January 15, 2025
Comprehensive Plan Amendment: 2015-IV-MV1
- Embark Richmond Highway (Fairfax County Dept of Planning and Development)
- Richmond Highway Corridor Improvements (Virginia Dept of Transportation)
- Richmond Highway Bus Rapid Transit (Fairfax County Department of Transportation)
Landmark (West End) Redevelopment
The new West End will replace the 52-acre site formerly known as Landmark Mall.* Expected to open in 2028, the redevelopment will be anchored by the to be relocated Alexandria Hospital. In addition, the site will include approximately four million sq ft of residential, retail, and office development. A winter skating rink, sports courts, playground, grassy areas, and restaurant pavilions are also planned.
An adjacent 8.2-acre plot will provide 362 apartments and 88 condominiums, 7,000 sq ft of retail space, and a 150,000- to 200,000-sq-ft hotel or office building. In addition, a transit hub will serve bus rapid transit (BRT), DASH, and Metrobus.
May 2021 Landmark Redevelopment Virtual Information Session
April 2022 Community Meeting
June 2022 Planning Commission Hearing
June 2022 Community Meeting
November 2022 Community Meeting
August 2023 Community Meeting
Click on the above title for more information.
*Landmark is located in the City of Alexandria, VA, immediately adjacent to Franconia District.
I-495 Express Lanes
VDOT hosted several public information meetings in May 2022 to provide information about the I-495 Southside Express Lanes study and to seek public input. Additional meetings were scheduled in September 2023, but have since been put on hold until VDOT provides the County with more specific details to better understand the impact on Franconia District because a ramp to the express lanes would be located at Van Dorn Street.
Click on the above title for more information.
Oakwood Road
5605 Oakwood (12.5 acres): The first Site Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) application was submitted in 2019. The plot was subsequently purchased by a new owner in 2022 who proposed a development with lower density. The most recent SSPA Meeting was held in May 2022. Due to the complexity of the site and scrutiny by the community, no further action has been taken to date by the owner.
5400–5604 Oakwood (18 acres): Multiple owners; no developer yet. Plan proposed with amendment included 605 multi-family units (mid-rise) and 202,000 square feet of office, industrial (self-storage). A revised plan cited “mixed use” of 75% residential and 25% commercial.
Click on the above title for more information.
6801 Telegraph Road
This site is the former GSA property, across from Greendale Golf Course, and part of a large land development and construction business called Metro DC Developments. According to the owner’s LinkedIn profile, “I have developed workforce housing in Washington, DC, and brought to market regenerative medical clinics to support joint rehabilitation and hair regrowth.”
The owner has proposed “development of new homes (on a portion of the property that is currently mostly a parking lot) and the conversion of former office space into an affordable senior living complex and Montessori school.” This is in addition to the Brightview Senior Living Complex at the former Virginia Hill Baptist Church site. (Rose Hill Rambler, Fall 2024, page 5, https://rosehillcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Rambler2024Q3.pdf
The Rose Hill Civic Association has been in contact with the owner on the progress of the redevelopment of this property.
The goal of the “No Casino” Coalition is to stop proposed casino development in Fairfax County. Legislation is expected to be introduced in the Virginia Senate when the General Assembly reconvenes in January 2025 that would authorize a casino to be developed along one of the four Metro Line Corridors in Fairfax County, and most likely along the Silver Line Corridor in Tysons. According to the No Fairfax Casino Coalition, they will need to have a plan and act fast once legislation is introduced.
- Sign a Petition by the No Casino Coalition
- Meet with State Legislators in Richmond
- The Piedmont Environmental Council has a trip scheduled for Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. Registration is required.
- The No Casino Coalition held an earlier trip on January 13, 2025.
What Can You Do?
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Updates are emailed as necessary depending on current land-use activity. Updates provide more current and detailed information.
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Scroll to the bottom of the Event Calendar and click on the “Subscribe” link.
Take Action
Contact our local representatives who were voted into office to represent you.
Contact Information and Sample Emails
Learn Something New
Notification of Public Hearings is short, so understanding the basics of the land development review and approval process is imperative. Visit our Land Use 101 web page for an overview of land use in Fairfax County.
The land-use process requires comprehensive reviews by numerous County and non-county agencies and may involve many steps before a project can be approved prior to construction. Every project is unique and subject to its own set of requirements depending on the location and complexities of the project. As a result, timelines can vary considerably. But as stated above, notification of Public Hearings is relatively short. So, Stay In Touch through the Rose Hill Coalition LLC.

LINK > https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/plan2build/development-process-overview
This website is updated as new information is available and time permits. To keep promptly informed, please join our email list.
*The Rose Hill Coalition LLC comprise local concerned private residents. We are not affiliated with any group, organization, or company. It is run by local resident volunteers.