Learn how to access and use U.S. Census Bureau data with FREE how-to videos and in-depth courses, webinars, and tutorials.
- Census Academy
https://www.census.gov/data/academy.html - Facebook Page
https://www.facebook.com/uscensusbureau - Calendar of Events
https://www.census.gov/about/event-calendar.html - Recorded Webinars
https://www.census.gov/data/academy/webinars.html - “Introduction to the American Community Survey“
Webinar on the detailed social, economic, housing, and demographic statistics that the American Community Survey (ACS) provides for every community every year. Learn the basics of the yearly estimates and datasets produced from the ACS, discover resources available on our website, and find out how to access ACS data products through a variety of data tools. - Population and Housing Characteristics
View Census Academy resources on Population and Housing Characteristics including data, courses, and webinars.
>> SAMPLE CENSUS REPORT (PDF): “Narrative Profile” using the “American Community Survey (ACS)” 5-year estimates. Narrative Profiles are short, analytic reports that provide highlights of selected social, economic, housing, and demographic estimates for a selected geographic area. These profiles contain frequently needed community statistics and have downloadable charts that are great for presentations.
>> Franconia District Census Tracts (PNG image file): Shows each Census Tract by number for quick reference when creating reports for specific tracts in our District.

Rose Hill Planning District, Fairfax County, Virginia (22310)
(Click map for link to info at the US Census Bureau)