Franconia Governmental Center
Residents are objecting they were not sufficiently notified about or consulted on the future use of this publicly-owned property.
The current proposed redevelopment of the Franconia Governmental Center on Franconia Road would convey the property to the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) with the express purpose to build an affordable multi-family housing complex. The District Supervisor’s office and Police Station will move in 2025 to the a new center currently being built on Beulah Road.
On January 23, 2024, Supervisor Lusk requested a deferral of the Board review and vote on the conveyance. (See “In The News” below) Lusk informed the Coalition that a “white paper” will be written (with the Housing Authority) to provide next steps for engaging with the community on the future of the property. It is not clear that consideration of other possible uses is on the table, for example, an extension of the Franconia Volunteer Fire Department, a community center, and/or a new expanded site for the local nonprofit Koinonia.
Residents support affordable housing but express great concern that the site is inappropriate for residential housing of any kind. Concerned residents who live in the immediate area have formed a group to request that the public be involved in the future of the center as it is a publicly-owned asset paid for with County tax dollars.
Resetting the clock would require that additional proposals for the site be solicited for review by residents and the County. To date, only a single request for proposal was solicited from the same group of for-profit and non-profit organizations that were responsible for financing and building the affordable housing complex at the main County Governmental Center in Fairfax.
According to the April 2022 Response to Request for Proposal, FCRHA would issue a long-term ground lease which allows them to maintain long-term ownership of the land and receive capitalized lease payments. The total development costs are currently projected to be over $51 million.
The Rose Hill Coalition has added a new web page devoted to the ongoing and recent developments regarding the future of the Franconia Governmental Center. The new web page includes:
- What’s Happening Now
- Timeline of Events
- In The News
- Important Dates
- Key Documents
- Stay in Touch
Go to: https://rosehillcoalition.org/rose-hill-planning-district/franconia-govt-center/
Rose Hill Plaza
During an open house on January 27, 2024, we asked Supervisor Lusk a question we posed about the status of the re-submission of the proposal by Combined Properties (CP). (This was after having requested by email sent on 1/11/24 and and not receiving an update. Though we recognize that the Franconia District office is short staffed.) Lusk’s answer was that there have been no new developments and he has heard nothing from CP to date. He also gave a brief background on the redevelopment of the Plaza following a request from an attendee who was not aware of the project and residents’ opposition.
In The News
1/24/24: Franconia Governmental Center Property Transfer Deferred
After hearing from 30+ residents at the 1/23/24 BOS public hearing, BOS “Chairman Jeff McKay said he believes the community outreach aspect for the affordable housing plan at the site `has been inadequate.’ Based on McKay’s concerns, Franconia District Supervisor Rodney Lusk introduced a motion to defer action on transferring the property to the county’s housing authority until the board’s meeting on March 5, 2024. In the interim, Lusk pledged to conduct community engagement to get residents’ views on the plan to transfer the property for use as affordable housing.”
Source: https://patch.com/virginia/kingstowne/fairfax-co-defers-decision-franconia-governmental-center-property
For more information, go to https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/boardofsupervisors/sites/boardofsupervisors/files/Assets/meeting-materials/2024/January23-Board-Package-Final.pdf (page 515)
>> Follow the Rose Hill Coalition for developments and upcoming community meetings.
1/24/24: Kingstowne Top Golf Site SSPA Approved
The BOS approved the Site Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) for the former Top Golf site. Plan Amendment (PA) 2015-IV-RH1 was an amendment to the RH4-Lehigh Community Planning Sector of the Comprehensive Plan for Tax Map Parcels 91-2 ((1)) 35A and 35B. The site is currently planned for residential use at 3-4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) and is developed with a recreational facility (Rudy’s Golf and Sports Bar, formerly Topgolf), and a former Ruby Tuesday restaurant. The amendment proposed an option for residential use at up to 10 dwelling units per acre, or 174 units.
For more information, go to https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/boardofsupervisors/sites/boardofsupervisors/files/Assets/meeting-materials/2024/January23-Board-Package-Final.pdf (page 520).
The next step will be to submit a detailed plan and application for a change in zoning. Additional public hearings also will be held during this next stage.
1/24/24: A Smaller Lake Accotink Approved
The BOS approved a motion by Braddock District Supervisor Walkinshaw to advance the smaller lake option at Lake Accotink based on the study and recommendations of a special task force.
1/23/24: Landscaping and Screening Zoning Amendment Approved
The Board of Supervisors amended the County Zoning Ordinance landscaping and screening regulations. The amendment increased the required percentage for interior parking lot landscaping, added street frontage landscaping, revised the transitional screening and barrier requirements, updated maintenance provisions, and made other changes. The revisions will be incorporated into the online Zoning Ordinance.
Source: Recently Adopted Zoning Ordinance Amendments
11/29/23: Fairfax County Projects Budget Shortfall for 2025
The County’s FY 2025 Advertised Budget Plan will be presented to the BOS on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. Public hearings on the budget will take place in mid-April, with a vote on adoption expected in May.
The Forecast on the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget was presented by representatives of the Fairfax County Government and Public Schools on November 28, 2023, to a joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and School Board. “The forecast presents estimated information based on past, current, and projected financial conditions. It is not a budget proposal. The county is required by law to adopt a balanced budget.“
“County revenue growth is projected at 1.9% in FY 2025 (down from 3.6% projected for the close of FY 2024) resulting in an additional $152.3 million in revenue over FY 2024. Schools revenue is anticipated to increase by $66.1 million in FY 2025. This increase is not enough to offset the increase in required expenditures, resulting in a projected shortfall of $284.5 million.”
Link: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/news/fy-2025-budget-forecast-presented-supervisors-school-board
In the mean time, Fairfax County Public Schools has plans for surplus cash in 2024, including security cameras at Bush Hill Elementary School.
Source: https://www.gazetteleader.com/fairfax/news/fcps-has-plans-for-surplus-cash-including-security-measures-8002058
See also:
- A Recap of Amazon’s Affordable Housing Investments in Fairfax County
- Conversion of Sheraton Tysons Hotel into multi-family housing approved
- New population estimates show a rural renaissance while Fairfax County loses big
Follow What’s Happening in Fairfax County Districts
Each District Supervisor and the Chairman publish newsletters and/or updates on news and events in their respective districts. Anyone can sign up for these emails. The information provided varies substantially, including reports on decisions made at Board of Supervisors (BOS) public meetings. The most informative is published by Braddock District Supervisor Walkinshaw.
LINK: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/boardofsupervisors/members-and-districts
>> Sign up for Chairman McKay’s newsletter, including information from the Board of Supervisors and updates from county departments at https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=vwznmgkab&p=oi&m=vwznmgkab&sit=7auggachb&f=8493dbf7-5943-42cc-ab86-0cfc20d7a4bb
Supervisor Lusk’s newsletter includes information from the Board of Supervisors, news from County departments, and community updates.
>> Sign up at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/prLKTTt/SignupLuskReport
The Braddock Beacon is a monthly newsletter that provides a comprehensive overview and a preview of upcoming events. The Walkinshaw Advisory is a weekly newsletter with more time-sensitive notices and events.
>> Sign up for The Braddock Beacon (monthly) and Walkinshaw Advisory (weekly) at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/PTywfjg
>> Sign up for the Mount Vernon Advisor, BOS Briefs, and Updates from Supervisor Storck at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/xjV9xMH/MountVernonAdvisor
>> Sign up for the biweekly Herrity Report at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/springfield/herrity-report
PROVIDENCE DISTRICT (includes Tysons Corner)
>> Sign up for the Palchik Post at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/Z0Jw344/subscribe?source_id=ab2d23a5-f0ad-4365-b4af-535d8a055fd0&source_type=em&c=
The Sull-E Newsletter is emailed every Friday. The After the Board Meeting Highlights Newsletter is published after each regular Board meeting.
>> Sign up at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/sully/sull-e-newsletter-0
The Rose Paper: Affordable Housing
Coalition Founder Sharada Gilkey published The Rose Paper in April 2023 to provide background information on local, state, and national issues that affect land use in Franconia, Virginia. Although researched and written with regard to the redevelopment of Rose Hill Plaza, much of the paper is relevant to all current land use issues.
The section on Affordable Housing states, “All redevelopment results in higher rents. In fact, the current goal of real estate developers is [to] create long-term rental income through redevelopment and zoning changes. `Affordable properties in the County are at risk of losing affordability through redevelopment into more expensive residential and renovations that result in higher rents that outpace the rise in household incomes,’ according to the Fairfax Affordable Housing Preservation Task Force.”
(Fairfax County, Affordable Housing Preservation Task Force, Plan Amendment 2021-CW-1CP, https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning-development/plan-amendments/affordable-
- Housing Trends
- Affordable Housing
- Retail Trends
- Demographics
- Tenants
- Public Testimony
- Community Engagement
- SSPA Process
- Combined Properties Proposal
Stay In Touch!
To subscribe to Coalition Updates, go to: https://rosehillcoalition.org/rose-hill-planning-district/1304-2/.
Updates are only sent to residents in the Rose Hill Planning District. Emails are kept confidential and not shared. You can request to be removed from the list at any time.
Copyright 2024 Rose Hill Coalition LLC