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Add your name to the Rose Hill Coalition email list. Updates are sent to residents in Franconia District. Emails are kept confidential and not shared. You can request to be removed from the list at any time.

View upcoming Public Hearings and other events related to land use in the Rose Hill Planning District and broader Fairfax County. Subscribe to our calendar for automatic notifications of land-use meetings.

Contact our local representatives who were voted into office to represent you.

Please include in all communications your personal opinion. The email samples are a guide.

Select “Comprehensive Plan Announcements” in the County’s subscription list. This list covers all of Fairfax County; there is no option to select a specific district.

Also follow the Fairfax Land Use Planning Facebook Page for announcements.

The Fairfax County Planning Commission (PC) recommends to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) whether to allow a nomination to move forward. PC Public Hearings are held on specific nominations and precede BOS Public Hearings.

The Commission meets on Wednesdays (except holidays).

For information and instructions, go to:

Or call (703) 324-3151 between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.

The Board of Supervisors makes the final decision on whether to allow a nomination to move forward through each stage of the planning review process. Public Hearings are held on specific nomination (application to change the zoning for a specific site/property).

The Board of Supervisors (BOS) meets every Tuesday (except holidays). Not all meetings include a Public Hearing on a specific zoning change application (nomination). However, residents may speak (with restrictions) at any BOS meeting.

For information and instructions, go to:

Or call (703) 324-3151 between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.

  • Attend in person (see above information on how to register and view; or subscribe to the Coalition Calendar for upcoming events)
  • Watch the Channel 16 Live Stream
  • Watch Channel 16 on Cox, Verizon and Comcast, and on digital TV with QAM Tuner
  • Listen live by calling 703-324-7700
  • View on demand via the internet (captions are provided in English or en español)

The Franconia District Land Use Committee serves as an advisory body to the Franconia District Supervisor and the Franconia District Land Use Commissioner.

The Committee meets once a month on a Monday night at 7 pm (click for upcoming meeting dates). See the Coalition Calendar for upcoming meetings.

Meetings are held virtually and/or in person. In-person meetings are held at the Franconia Governmental Center, 6121 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310. The virtual meeting Zoom link is the same for every meeting.

Print as many as you can distribute! Great option for walkers!

Save Rose Hill Plaza yard sign
Contact us for information on how to self-order a yard sign.

Notification of Public Hearings is short, so understanding the land development review process is imperative. The “planning and development” process in Fairfax County encompasses land use laws and regulations that affect everything from refinishing a basement to subdividing a parcel, building a high-rise, rezoning, and more.

The process also requires comprehensive reviews by numerous County and non-county agencies and may involve many steps before a project can be approved prior to construction. Every project is unique and subject to its own set of requirements depending on the location and complexities of the project. As a result, timelines can vary considerably. But as stated above, notification of Public Hearings is relatively short.

“Before approving and adopting any zoning ordinance or amendment thereof, the governing body shall hold at least one public hearing thereon, pursuant to public notice as required by § 15.2-2204, after which the governing body may make appropriate changes or corrections in the ordinance or proposed amendment.” (https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title15.2/chapter22/section15.2-2204/)

“The local planning commission shall not recommend nor the governing body adopt any plan, ordinance or amendment thereof until notice of intention to do so has been published twice in some newspaper published or having general circulation in the locality, with the first notice appearing no more than 28 days before and the second notice appearing no less than seven days before the date of the meeting referenced in the notice; however, the notice for both the local planning commission and the governing body may be published concurrently.” (https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title15.2/chapter18/section15.2-1813/)

Franconia is home to a number of civic (and homeowners) associations. Keep up-to-date with what is happening in your neighborhood by joining, attending meetings, voting on issues, volunteering, and taking part in your community. Each community association can appoint a representative to the Franconia Land Use Committee (see above).

Engage Fairfax County serves as the official public participation portal that features select projects, surveys, and opportunities to provide feedback* as part of the County’s commitment to inclusive community engagement.

  • Plan Forward: The Countywide Policy Plan Update
  • Active Fairfax Phase II Community Survey
    (Bicycle Master Plan and the Countywide Trails Plan)
  • Fairfax County Zero Waste Resident Survey
  • My Brother’s Keeper Fairfax (Strategy Inventory)
  • Gum Springs Heritage Resources Study
  • Department of Tax Administration Webpage Survey

To Register and take part in current surveys and view results of past surveys, go to:

*Depending on the project, some feedback options include survey, text message feedback, email feedback, voicemail lines and translated surveys.

Fairfax County Community Engagement chart
The Fairfax County Community Engagement chart defines the roles of the County and the community.

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