Kingstowne Top Golf Site

Public debate on the Top Golf site spanned more than 9 years. This page is simply a brief summary. The original proposal was for 700+ homes. The final and approved proposal is for 174 homes and a small park.

“On October 20, 2015, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for the Topgolf Site in the Kingstowne Area, Tax Map Parcels 91-2((1))35A and 35B in the Rose Hill Planning District, Franconia Supervisor District.

This Comprehensive Plan amendment revised Plan recommendations for Tax Map Parcels 92-1 ((1)) 35A and 35B (former Topgolf site) within the RH-4 Lehigh Community Planning Sector of the Franconia Supervisor District. The approximately 17.4-acre property is generally located at the northeast quadrant of the intersection of South Van Dorn Street and Kingstowne Village Parkway. The amendment added an option for residential use at a density up to 10 dwelling units per acre or a maximum of 174 dwelling units, inclusive of affordable housing bonuses.”

The PC agenda and Staff Report (pdf):

The adopted text for this Comprehensive Plan Amendment (adopted text No. 2017-58) can be found here. This amendment revises the Area IV: Rose Hill Planning District section of the Comprehensive Plan.

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