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Email to (copy one or all):;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Nomination [insert nomination number]
As a resident of the Rose Hill Planning District, I oppose/support the approval of Nomination XXXX for the ______________ at _________________, Alexandria, VA 22310.
[I oppose/support the nomination because…]
Thank you,

Emails from Civic Associations and HOAs
Below are copies of letters sent to Supervisor Lusk, Chairman McKay, and other Supervisors to voice opposition to Nomination CPN22-LE-01 that was submitted by Combined Properties to redevelop Rose Hill Plaza.
If your group has or will likewise send a letter to the Board of Supervisors concerning the nomination, we ask if you would please forward a copy to the Coalition.
In addition, please let us know if you have taken any other action such as (1) informing your members about the nomination and your position (if any) and/or (2) forwarded or posted information about the Rose Hill Coalition.
Rose Hill Civic Association
RHCA Petitions Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to Stop Consideration of Rose Hill Plaza Redevelopment Plan
Chairman and Members:
This letter is to inform you of the growing opposition, both in person at community meetings and electronically through email and social media posts by residents of Rose Hill and surrounding neighborhoods, to CPN22-LE-01 submitted by Combined Properties for the redevelopment of the Rose Hill Plaza Shopping Center. As a result, we ask the Board of Supervisors to reject the current application as part of the Site-Specific Plan Amendment process. Earlier this year, the Rose Hill Civic Association was approached by Combined with a redevelopment plan for the shopping center. Subsequently. Combined made a presentation at a RHCA meeting on March 23.
The Combined proposal would introduce dense Urban-style development in a Suburban neighborhood consisting mostly of single-family homes. Our low-density neighborhood was not designed to accommodate a high-density development, and we had hoped that Combined would address our concerns in a new plan. We were told that a new plan would be ready by “the end of summer.”
In October, Combined finally produced a new plan and submitted it to the County. However, the new plan mirrors the original in density and impact on our community. Our objections have not been met or even discussed.
The original plan drew overwhelming opposition to building approximately 400 apartments on the 11-acre site. The plan also included ground floor retail, a free-standing grocery store and several parking garages. The overall height of buildings (up to six stories) was an issue as was the impact of increased traffic on neighborhood streets and schools.
The RHCA has suggested an alternative to Combined’s plan that would change the focus of residential development to feature senior living accommodations and workforce housing, while preserving much of the existing retail space and storefront parking. Our goal was to assist Combined with a plan that would produce the revenue needed for redevelopment while mitigating the effects on traffic, schools, and infrastructure.
Please send Combined back to the drawing board to create a plan that will fit our community. Without it, the opposition is sure to grow. Please don’t accept this plan!
Carl L. Sell Jr., President
Rose Hill Civic Association
Gunnell Estates (aka Oakwood) Home Owners Association (12/5/22)
Dear Fairfax County Board of Supervisors,
We hope this finds you well.
On December 2, 2022, the Gunnell Estates Homeowners Association (HOA), encompassing more than one-hundred households, met and voted unanimously to express our opposition to Item CPN22-LE-01: Redevelopment of the Rose Hill Shopping Center.
We oppose the nomination in its existing form. The proposed changes of halving existing retail space and introducing up to six stories of residential apartments would have profoundly negative impacts on our area and our residents. Local transit, utilities, school capacities, and other infrastructure would be stressed by a large, concentrated influx of renters. And the loss of many of the shops and restaurants we rely upon for easy access to food, goods, and services would reduce the quality of life and the appeal of this neighborhood.
This said, the Gunnell Estates HOA supports the right of the Rose Hill Shopping Center’s owners to explore how best to use their land. We are open to the Shopping Center’s redevelopment. We only hope that all parties can work together, listen to each other, and achieve a mutually satisfying outcome. We ask the Board of Supervisors to allow Gunnell Estates HOA to engage in the process, and help, in any way we can, the developer and the County find a proposal that can be accepted by all.
We hope, as the Board of Supervisors meets to assess the nomination and vote whether to begin the screening phase, that it accepts this entreaty. The nomination in its existing form would be a serious blow to our community. Therefore, until a nomination for a better proposal is created, Gunnell Estates HOA asks the Board of Supervisors to oppose the approval of Item CPN22-LE-01: Redevelopment of the Rose Hill Shopping Center.
Very best regards,
Gunnell Estates Homeowners Association