Tuesday, January 7 (online only)
An opportunity for the community to discuss and hear information on the Site Specific (Comprehensive Plan) Amendment (aka SSPA) for the Franconia Triangle area at Beulah St/Franconia Rd/Grovedale. County Staff will present the Draft Plan text, followed by a Q&A session and discussion.
Fairfax County is evaluating potential changes to the Comprehensive Plan’s land use recommendations for the area bounded by Franconia Rd, Beulah St, and Grovedale Dr.
Proposed Changes:
Virtual Meeting: Zoom (click for direct link)
Meeting ID: 892 0802 4831
Passcode: 171589
Call in Number: 888-270-9936
Conference Code: 761972
Website: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning-development/plan-amendments/franconia-triangle
For more information, contact:
Katrina Newtson, Planner
Department of Planning and Development, Planning Division
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 730
Fairfax County, VA 22035
We do not take responsibility for any changes made by the event organizer. If you see an error, please email us info@rosehillcoalition.org.