Latest Past Events

PUBLIC HEARING: Franconia Triangle SSPA (Planning Commission)

Planning Commission Meetings 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax

MEETING CANCELLED due to weather. New meeting date TBA. Wednesday, February 12 Via the Site Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) process, Fairfax County is evaluating potential changes to the Comprehensive Plan’s land-use recommendations for the area referred to as the “Franconia Triangle” which is bounded by Franconia Rd, Beulah St, and Grovedale Dr. Agenda Staff Report […]

PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning for Food Trucks (Planning Commission)

Planning Commission Meetings 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax

Wednesday, January 8 Agenda Special Events and Food Trucks (County-wide) Evaluate current zoning regulations for 21-day administrative temporary permit uses and longer-term interim uses and consider ways to increase flexibility and remove unnecessary impediments and time limits. (Board Matter May 24, 2022, Carry Over from FY 2023/2024 Work Program Topic #1) (Second Tier) (Auth by […]

PUBLIC HEARING: Planning Commission (Amendments to zMOD Zoning Ordinances)

Planning Commission Meetings 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax

Wednesday, October 16 Public Hearing: Planning Commission Amendment to repeal Chapter 112.1 (zMOD Zoning Ordinance) and the super-session clause included in the adoption of Chapter 112.2 (zMOD Zoning Ordinance). Staff Report  |  Meeting Agenda All meetings are televised on Channel 16, streamed live online with closed captions provided in English and Spanish (los subtitulos en espanol). […]

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